Pass through a Star Post with 20 or more Rings, and a ring of stars will appear. Jump into the ring to enter the Bonus Stage. There are three kinds of Bonus Stage, chosen based on the number of Rings you’re holding.
Gumball Machine
Use the bumpers located at the sides to spring up and turn the crank, releasing Item balls. Try to grab Items before they fall out of reach. Once a Spring board has been used, it will leave a hole in the floor. Fall down the hole and the stage is over.
Glowing Spheres
Use the gravitational orbit of the glowing spheres and other tricks to make your way upwards collecting Items. The stage will end if you touch the forcefield rising from underneath.
Slot Machine
Jump around the rotating stage and enter the slot pot in the middle. Once inside, the slots will rotate, and when the patterns align your Rings will increase. The stage ends when you touch a Goal block.
Move |
Look Up |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump |
Pause Menu |
Detach the Joy-Con™ from the console to use as separate controllers allowing 2 player play.
Move |
Look Up |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump |
Pause Menu |
DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller
Move | left stick / directional buttons |
Look Up |
left stick up / up button
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
left stick down / down button
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump |
Pause Menu | OPTIONS button |
Wireless Controller
Move | left stick / directional buttons |
Look Up |
left stick up / up button
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
left stick down / down button
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump |
Pause Menu | options button |
Xbox Wireless Controller
Move |
Look Up |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump |
Pause Menu |
Xbox Wireless Controller
Move |
Look Up |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
(Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump |
Pause Menu |
Wireless Controller
Move |
Keyboard: W/S/A/D |
Look Up |
Keyboard: W (Hold to scroll screen) |
Crouch |
Keyboard: S (Hold to scroll screen) |
Jump | Keyboard: K / L |
Pause Menu | Keyboard: N |
A Spin Attack against enemies.
Spin Dash
Press Jump while Crouching to build power. Release Crouch to launch a high speed Spin Dash.
Look Up / Crouch
Scroll screen for a better view of the surroundings.
Crouch while running to knock out any enemies in your path.
Drop Dash
Hold Jump mid-air to launch a Spin Dash upon landing.
* Cannot be used in Classic Mode.
* Action only available to Sonic.
Press Jump while Looking Up to build power. Release Look Up to launch a high speed Dash. Faster than a Spin Dash but less lethal.
* Action only available to Sonic. [Sonic CD]
Press Jump mid-air to create a temporary barrier. Combine this skill with a Shield to trigger special abilities.
* Action only available to Sonic. [Sonic 3 & Knuckles]
Press and hold Jump during a Jump to fly. You can fly until Tails becomes exhausted.
* Action only available to Tails.
Tails to the Rescue
While playing Sonic & Tails Look Up and tap Jump. Once Tails is flying overhead Jump towards him and you can fly together for a short time. Press Crouch and Jump together to release.
Hold Jump mid-air to Glide. Here you can freely change direction and punch your way through enemies.
* Action only available to Knuckles.
Wall Climb
Glide into a wall to grab on. From there you can freely climb up and down.
* Action only available to Knuckles.
Hammer Attack
Hold Jump during a Jump to attack with the Piko Piko Hammer. Hold the button to maintain momentum and perform an additional attack upon landing.
* Action only available to Amy.
* Amy is only available as downloadable content.
The precise look of each Item varies depending on the selected title.
Super Ring
Increases your Ring count by 10. |
Protects you from damage for a limited time. |
Protects you from damage once only. |
Power Sneakers
Run faster for a limited time. |
1UP (Classic Mode only)
Increases the displayed character’s tries by 1. |
Coin (Anniversary Mode only)
Gives you Coins that can be used to retry Special Stages and purchase collections at the Museum. |
Eggman Mark
It’s a trap! This will damage you. |
Teleportation (2 PLAYER VS only)
During 2 PLAYER VS mode in Sonic The Hedgehog 2, collect this Item and the two players will swap positions. |
In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, there are three kinds of Shield. While Sonic is equipped with one of these shields, press Jump during a Jump to perform a Special Action.
Fire Shield
Makes you immune to fire attack damage. Entering water extinguishes the Shield. Special Action: Fireball Spin Dash |
Bubble Shield
Allows you to breathe under water. It can deflect certain projectiles, but sharp items will pop it. Special Action: Bounce Jump |
Lightning Shield
Draws in nearby Rings. Entering water discharges the Shield. Special Action: Double Jump |
Complete the Special Stages with all the Chaos Emeralds and you will gain the ability to transform into Super state. Collect all the Super Emeralds to turn into the Hyper state. To transform collect 50 or more Rings and press /
/ O while airborne.
* Only available in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Complete each title or Story mode to enable Mirror Mode, where Acts are flipped left to right. Once unlocked, it can be selected via the Main Menu.
This section provides supplemental information about the Game Gear titles available as downloadable content. Basic controls can be found in-game via the game select screen.
This section provides supplemental information about the Game Gear titles available as downloadable content. Basic controls can be found in-game via the game select screen.
This section provides supplemental information about the Game Gear titles available as downloadable content. Basic controls can be found in-game via the game select screen.
1991 (All Regions)
Point Marker
Point Markers in this title appear as item boxes. Smash one open to save your location, and if you lose a try, you will restart from there.
Chaos Emerald
There is a Chaos Emerald hidden in each Zone. Collect all of them to reveal the real ending.
Goal Plate / Special Stage
Pass the plate at the end of Acts 1 and 2 to trigger certain effects. Passing the plate in Zones 1 to 4 while carrying 50 or more Rings opens up a portal to the Special Stage where you can attempt to earn Rings and Continue items.
1992 (All Regions)
Chaos Emerald
There is a Chaos Emerald hidden in each Zone. Collect all of them to reveal the real ending.
Goal Plate
Pass the plate at the end of Acts 1 and 2 to trigger certain effects.
Special Actions
Hang Gliders
Take a run-up and glide. Go left to ascend, right to descend, and press Jump to jump down. The trick is not to over-press the Ascend button.
While moving in one direction, perform a Spin Attack from the ground toward the surface of the water to move along within a bubble. Release the input and you’ll sink.
Jump on a Flywheel and go right to speed up the rotation of the gear. When you press Jump, Sonic will rush away at high speed.
1993 (All Regions)
Special Stage
Playing as Sonic, collect 100 Rings to proceed to the Special Stage. Find the hidden Chaos Emerald before the time counts down to 0.
Goal Plate
Pass the plate at the end of Acts 1 and 2 to trigger certain effects.
Special Actions
Super Spin Dash
Stop and hold the button to crouch while repeatedly pressing Jump to accumulate power, then release the input to activate a Super Spin Dash. You will be practically invincible for a short time, but don’t get too confident!
Airman Tails
Stop and press Jump while looking up to fly freely in the air. Be careful as you will return to the ground after a short time.
1994 (Japan)
Propels you over obstacles, opponents, and sudden breaks in the road. Learn how to use these to your best advantage.
Prevents damage from crashes, and keeps your speed even when off road.
Zoom away at speeds beyond your regular top speed. Your acceleration will also be improved.
Collect two and move up to unleash your special ability. You will lose 1 Ring if you crash or spin.
Drivers / Machines
Sonic / Cyclone
Features superior acceleration and high top speed. Cornering is a weak spot, but this can be compensated for with drift. Blow away rivals with sudden acceleration using the special power “Dash!”
Tails / MTP-01 Whirlwind
A well balanced machine with decent cornering and moderate speed. Overcome centrifugal force during turns with the special power “Jump!”
Dr. Eggman / Egg Typhoon
Although acceleration is poor due to the weight of all the mines it carries, its maximum speed is very high. Disrupt your rivals with the special power “Mine Drop” (only available in VERSUS mode).
Amy Rose / Breeze
Although the top speed is relatively low, this machine boasts excellent acceleration and stable cornering, an excellent choice for beginners. Make your rivals fall in love using the special power “Heart Toss” (only available in VERSUS mode).
1994 (All Regions)
The twisted Dr. Eggman is back! And this time he’s hatched an evil plan to transform all the creatures of Mt. Mobius into robots. To do this, he designed the Volcano Veg-O Fortress, a super-efficient robot factory hidden inside an island volcano.
Eggman harnessed the molten lava of the volcano to power the Veg-O Fortress, and has already captured thousands of animals. And he’s created a diabolical pinball security system to secure their imprisonment. It’s up to Sonic—the world’s coolest hedgehog—to free his friends and stop Eggman’s sinister scheme, before it’s too late.
Special Stage
Levels 1 and 2 hide 3 Emeralds each, and levels 3 and 4 hide 5 Emeralds each. If you find all the Emeralds in each level, you can challenge the boss sent by Dr. Eggman. If you defeat it, you can proceed to the “Bonus Cage” special stage.
1994 (All Regions)
Point Marker
Point Markers in this title appear as item boxes. Smash one open to save your location, and if you lose a try, you will restart from there.
Goal Plate
Pass the plate at the end of Acts 1 and 2 to trigger certain effects.
Special Actions
Super Spin Dash
Stop and hold the button to crouch while repeatedly pressing Jump to accumulate power, then release the input to activate a Super Spin Dash. You will be practically invincible for a short time, but don’t get too confident!
Stop and press Jump while looking up to fly freely in the air. Be careful as you will return to the ground after a short time.
Pogo Spring
Bounce to new heights! The Pogo Spring lasts until you take damage.
Jet Board
Zip across snow and ice. The Jet Board lasts until you take damage, or you do too many jumps.
Propeller Shoes
Use this to swim through underwater mazes.
* Sonic only.
Hyper Heli-Tails
Double your flying time for a short period.
* Tails only.
Rocket Shoes
Blaze through the sky for a short period.
* Sonic only.
Warp Gate and Special Stage
This item is hidden in Acts 1 and 2. Find the item while holding 50 Rings or more to open the Warp Gate allowing entrance to the Special Stage. Beat the Special Stage challenges to earn a Chaos Emerald.
1995 (All Regions)
Propels you over obstacles, opponents, and sudden breaks in the road. Learn how to use these to your best advantage.
Take off in a burst of speed.
Detonates when hit by a car.
Jump over opponents or obstacles.
Become practically immune to damage for a limited time.
Explodes when hit, whiting out the screen for a short spell.
Drive over this and your steering will flip-flop.
Holding 2 of these allows you to use your special ability. Taking damage costs you 1 Ring.
* Metal Sonic will need to collect 3.
Drivers / Machines
Sonic / Cyclone
Maximum speed is high, but cornering is its weakness. Use the special power to raise the top speed for a limited period of time!
Tails / MTP-02 Whirlwind S7
A well balanced and easy to drive machine. Use the special power, Jump Over, to overcome centrifugal force while cornering!
Amy / Breeze
Quick acceleration, with a moderate top speed. Use the special power, Toss Heart, to slow down your rivals!
Dr. Eggman / Egg Typhoon
A fast machine that handles well, but its acceleration is quite poor. Spin your rivals in circles with the special power Drop Mine!
Metal Sonic / Blue Devil
Top speed is high, and like Sonic, it doesn’t handle corners well. Using the special power consumes 3 Rings, but the resulting Super Speed Dash is even greater than Sonic’s!
Fang / Marvelous Queen
For a small machine, it handles corners poorly but has strong acceleration. Use the special power to leave an oil slick in the road that sends your rivals spinning!
Knuckles / Tempest
A relatively slow machine with incredible corner handling. Use the special power to punch nearby rivals, or jump if there’s nobody nearby to punch!
1995 (Japan)
Ring Bell
Touch a bell with a Ring to save your location. If you take damage, you will restart from the last bell you touched.
Tails will crash if he hits an enemy character or is attacked. Press Ring quickly to recover. However, if your power gauge is at 0 or you are too close to the ground, you will not be able to recover.
Spinning Rings
Hold Ring, and the ring will rotate around Tails. While the ring is spinning, you can proceed without using any device or picking up items.
Mint Candy
Recovers Tails’ energy. Recovery is proportional to the candy’s quantity.
Collect one and clear the entry to receive 1,000 bonus points per crystal.
Invincibility Star
Become invincible for a short time.
Increase your lives by 1.
1995 (All Regions)
A password can be found in Tails’ House. Enter this password at the beginning of the game to continue playing from the previous time. However, while at the password screen,
do not press any button other than START, except when entering the previous password!
Doing so will change the password, and you won’t be able to return to the game.
It is recommended that you use Save/Load via the Pause Menu instead of the password.
Tails' House
While in Tails’ House, either prepare for an adventure or access a password. Later in the game, you will also be able to select special items to outfit Tails for an aquatic adventure.
Choose from EQUIP to equip items for an adventure, DOCK to prepare for a water adventure, CONT to access a password, or EXIT to return to the map screen.
Regular Bomb
Blows up when collided with.
Large Bomb
Blows up everything on screen, but takes a few seconds to detonate.
Remote Bomb
Throw the bomb, then press the Detonate button to trigger. Useful for sending through narrow spaces.
Fire Bomb
Shoots flames into the air when it hits the ground.
Triple Bomb
A very powerful version of the Regular Bomb, capable of taking out 3 enemies.
Smash enemies and stone barriers.
Speed Boots
Run or fly at super speeds!
Deflects enemy fire and knocks enemies off screen.
Set the gameplay music.
Helps you locate hidden items.
Use this to activate a time machine.
Super Glove
Helps you to pick up really heavy rocks.
Night Vision
See your surroundings using infrared technology.
Teleport Device
Use this to travel straight to Tails’ house. Handy in a tight spot!
Use this to perform Sonic’s patented Spin Dash maneuver.
Punch your opponents just like your favorite echidna!
Increase your chances of finding Rings after defeating enemies.
Remote Robot
Retrieves Items on your behalf.
Vulcan Gun
Blast enemies with this powerful gun.
Extra Armor
Protects you from enemy attacks.
Extra Speed
Allows the Sea Fox to go much faster.
Rocket Booster
Allows the Sea Fox to fly!
Anti-Air Missile
Attack enemies above you.
Proton Torpedo
Attack enemies straight ahead of you.
Attack enemies and barriers below.
Electrify the waters sending enemies away and setting off Mines.
1995 (All Regions)
Search each Zone for the gold, silver and bronze Keys and reach the GOAL before the time runs out.
If an enemy is holding a Key, use the Spin Dash technique to knock them down.
Obtaining Items
Look for the ▲ mark which changes color formation every few seconds. Touch the ▲ mark to receive an Item. The Item will vary depending on the color formation at the time.
Formation | Item | Item Name/Effect |
? Item
Makes all enemies on the screen disappear. |
Gives you an extra try. |
Protects from attacks for a short time. |
Doubles your speed for a short time. |
Adds 30 seconds to your remaining time. |
1996 (All Regions)
Point Marker
Point Markers in this title appear as item boxes. Smash one open to save your location. If you lose a life, you will restart gameplay from here.
Goal Plate
Pass the plate at the end of Acts 1 and 2 to trigger certain effects.
Special Stage
A large “Special Ring” is hidden in Acts 1 and 2 of each Zone. Touch this to attempt the “Special Stage.” Collect 50 Rings in the Act 1 Special Stage to earn an Item. Collect 50 rings in the Act 2 Special Stage to earn yourself a Chaos Emerald Fragment.
1993 (US/PAL)
Dr. Eggman (AKA Dr. Robotnik), the devious genius of planet Mobius, is always coming up with new schemes of global domination. His latest creation, the Mean Bean Steaming Machine, turns the cheerful inhabitants of Beanville into evil little robots, slaves to Eggman’s bidding. His goal is to remove music and joy from Mobius forever! It’s quite the hill of beans!
Eggman’s henchbots rounded up all the Bean villagers they could find and threw them into a dark cave, where a Mean Bean Machine and a cruel fate awaited them!
And this is where your part in the tale begins. Simply connect four or more Bean villagers together to allow them to escape! There’s no time to waste though, as the field fills up quickly! What’s more, the henchbots have noticed what you’re up to, and will do their best to interfere with your rescue plan!
Remove Beans from your own field better than the henchbot guard to win, and slowly work your way up the henchbot ladder. Eventually you will get to take on Eggman himself!
The fate of the Bean villagers is in your hands!